
Parenting, twins, life, work and worries.

Archive for June 23rd, 2008

We Try Harder

Posted by shinymac on June 23, 2008

I am suffering from job-seekers addiction. I can’t stop seeking jobs!
In some ways, it’s probably a little too early to be applying, but I am so desperate to get it sorted and to know where I am with it all, that I just can’t help myself.

Now I have an absolute abundance of forms to fill out, and CVs to send off, and I am so worried that I won’t get anywhere with any of them.

Earlier this week, I applied for 2 jobs at a prestigious television channel, working on a very famous soap opera, and I know I don’t stand a chance in hell of getting either of them, but I had to give it a go anyway, because, well you just never know unless you try. So I’ve tried, but I’m not sure I’ve tried hard enough, or whether there will be anything sparkly enough about my application that will make me stand out.

Back in the days when I worked for Avis (for which I have just successfully arranged a reunion for, so far rounding up 40 confirmed and 37 maybes.. or so), their motto was “We Try Harder”, and I really feel I need to put that into practise, once again, because honestly, I really did try harder when I worked there, hence me landing the secondment in the USA, if I want to be successful in my obsessive job-search. (Long sentence there! Phew.)

So, tomorrow, on my to-do list, I have loads of jobs to apply for. Most of them are at the Universities of this fine city, or the local college, which I kind of favour, as I’ll need to ensure I’m home quickly to pick the kids up from school, or the after school club, or the childminders, whichever we decide to use. It’s all so much to organise, that I’m exhausted just thinking about all that!
And at the bottom of this to-do list, I have typed in extremely large letters: REMEMBER; TRY HARDER!

(Hi mum, by the way x)


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